Thursday, December 1, 2011


1. I need to blog more often.
2. I share a birthday with a book character, win.
3. Dave Lankes now refers to me a "poli-sci"? I approve ahahahaha

Snowflakes, yes snowflakes, I have a story about snowflakes for you. This past Monday, I was hanging out at my library back home, helping hang up Christmas decorations, when my ex-co-worker-yet-still-gossip-buddy told me and C (protecting identity) to make snowflakes to decorate the library. Shenanigans ensue, the highlight is that I fail at cutting up snowflakes 2 out of 4 yeah, 50% of the time I mess up my snowflake. 

Anyways! While C and I were making these snowflakes, we had a family e-spy us doing this super-fun activity (it was not hard to find us, we took up the entire check-out desk) and volunteered their services. Let me tell you the daughter in that family? Can totally school anyone who says they are good at snowflake making, she made snowflakes that had Christmas tree shapes and snowmen. She was about 10 and she is an expert snowflake maker. Her dad even made us some snowflakes, he is an engineer, so he made awesome snowflakes as well using his engineering skills. 

While this girl was schooling us in snowflake crafting,another family can to watch us doing so fun crafting, they wanted in on the fun too! A little girl about 5-6 made a snowflake and I wish you could have seen this girl's face when we gave her snowflake a hanging place of honour near the computers, she was so excited that she got to help decorate her library! Her dad even made a snowflake!!! The two families that helped us make the snowflakes had a great time helping to decorate their library. They told us that they were going to bring their friends to the library to show them the snowflakes they made, they were so proud and excited!

What started out as a a project for C and me turned into an epic snowflake making party at the library! We all had so much fun making snowflakes and talking about different cutting techniques to use and our past experience making snowflakes (harking back to our days in elementary school with safety scissors). The one mother was astonished by the fact that they were actually having fun at the library. I told her to tell her friends about how much fun she had and that libraries can be a fun Fun FUN place to hang out. 

This little anecdote just brings home the fact that spontaneous fun parties can happen at your local library, it just depends on how fantastic your patrons are :) Patrons love their libraries and giving them an outlet to help decorate or just make a part of the library their own, they will gladly help out. Patrons like to be proud of their libraries and will help make them a great public space it you only let them. Patrons can be our own little workers who make the library as fantastic as they can be!

May the odds be always in your favor.

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