Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Well....this is weird

I've never blogged before so this is a new experience, but I guess I am looking forward to it? So it's a place to ramble and rant about all the lovely wonderful topics that come up in class and out and my life as an aspiring librarian...cool.

I love going to class and I absolutely love that I am going to school to be a librarian because, let's face it, being a librarian is one of THE best things to pursue in life because, we're awesome. No holds barred, we are pretty fantastic. I can't wait to go to class and listen to our professors and everyone else in class because everyone has great ideas and points of view and it is so...kicking.

For example last week in class with prof Lankes he talked about us (his attentive students) wanting to change society for the better and that's why we want to be librarians...and I was all, excuse me, I am not that altruistic and gung-ho looking to change the world through librarianship. I mean, I live to read books and hang out with my friends....not much society changing action going on there. But then I started thinking about it, cause obviously prof Lankes knows what he's talking about, I mean he wrote a book and everything, so it's not like it's something he spontaneously came up with on the spot during class and said gee that's a good idea ( I mean I guess it was a spontaneous idea at some point but not during that specific class cause it's in the book....and yeah I need not to go on a tangent about this). And when I was thinking...I started to realize that yeah....I kinda want to change things for the better, not through grand giant actions and new political ideologies ( ugh politics...makes me shiver in despair and cynicism) but through the little things that happen at libraries. I want to help people find the exact bit of information they're looking for or that one book that they will absolutely love...which will put a smile on their face and make their day. Or blow someone's mind about all the services that are available at the library. Creating a positive, encouraging center in  a community is part of what libraries do and I want to help create that center, become a part of the lifeblood of a community, whether in a public library in small town in the middle of no-where ( which I've done) or in an academic library at a college or what have you. I want to make my community a better place and help other people.....so yeah....change society, put it in the check column of my life.

phew....that was a lot....maybe meaningful...maybe not... mostly rambling thoughts that happen after class lol.

So, I dipped my toes in the blogosphere.....and that's that. more to come as thoughts start bouncing and ricocheting around my gray matter. or it is grey?

Oh and I love big words that you have to look up in dictionaries so if anyone has a totally awesome word you'd like to share please do....here's one for you, susurrus means quiet rustling/noises/murmurs in the background

OH OH and if you don't know what abibliophobia is it means to be afraid of not having enough reading material....good thing I plan on working with endless amounts of information that I can read!

peace out girlscouts ( and boyscouts so not to be sexist)

1 comment:

  1. Go Jess! :) We're going to be the best librarians ever. ;)
